Tunnel Vision 隧道视觉 ; 井蛙之见 ; 隧道视野 ; 视野狭窄
Discolours all with tunnel vision 已经褪去了颜色 ; 隧道的美景已经退色
tunnel vision and blind spots 管状视野和盲点
Tunnel Vision Illusion 隧道视觉错觉
Tunnel Vision Marathon 华盛顿州参加隧道视觉马拉松
The Tunnel Vision 坐井观天
Tunnel Vision Fie 隧道视野效应
Tunnel Vision Field Effect 隧道视野效应
Tunnel Vision System 隧道视觉系统
N-UNCOUNT If you suffer from tunnel vision, you are unable to see things that are not straight in front of you. 管状视野
N-UNCOUNT If you say that someone has tunnel vision, you disapprove of them because they are concentrating completely on achieving a particular aim, and do not notice or consider anything else. 井蛙之见 [表不满]
You could make a game according to your own tunnel vision and then, fingers crossed, if you get lucky, people will pick it up.
Your habit of tunnel vision - seeing only what you want to become, but are not - keeps you from acknowledging your accomplishments and victories.
看待旅途的角度- - -只关注理想中的你,实际上还不是- - -会使你对已取得的成就和胜利视而不见。
Anxiety in particular gives us tunnel vision; while we're focusing on a potential danger, we end up missing a lot of extraneous but potentially beneficial information.
I was just finding very tunnel vision-like, the smallest elements at that moment in time which means I don't know anything about the other elements other than they are not the smallest and so no matter what with Selection Sort I had to repeat this again and again and again and if you do out the math it's roughly N squared steps in the worst case as well.