... 图灵机可计算性:turing computability 图灵机可计算的:turing computable 图解概型:diagram scheme ...
quintuple Turing computable function 五元组杜林可计算函数 ; 五元组图灵可计算函数
Turing partially computable function 图灵机部分可算函数
Alan Turing invented the programmable computer in 1936 (see Resources) as a thought experiment to show that certain mathematical problems were not computable.
Alan Turing在1936年发明可编程计算机(请参阅参考资料)是作为一种思想实验以证明某些数学问题不可计算。
The most famous finite state machine is probably Alan Turing's hypothetical device: the Turing machine, which he wrote about in his 1936 paper, "On Computable Numbers."
最著名的有限状态机可能是阿兰·图灵在1936年发表的论文《On Computable Numbers》上写下的的猜想——图灵机。