会话的基本特点是参加者轮流说话(turn-taking),每次至少一方,但又不多于一方在说话。互动的一方发出当前话轮(cur-rent turn),另一方根据这一话.
...体语和环境语,体态语包括基本姿态、基本礼节动作以及人体各部分动作所提供的交际信息;副语言包括沉默、话轮转接(turn-taking )和各种非语义声音;客体语包括衣着化妆、个人用品等所提供的交际信息;环境语包括室内设施、空间信息(领地观念、空间取向)等...
Turn Taking 轮替 ; 轮流 ; 话轮转换
turn-taking rules 话轮转换规则
turn-taking system 话轮转换机制
turn-taking activity 一项话轮转换活动
Rules of turn-taking 转换规则
turn-taking pattern 转换机制
topic turn-taking 话题话轮
turn-taking model 提出了话轮转换理论
Graphological features: tolerance of spelling errors; unconventional use of punctuation marks; frequent use of emoticons; reduced use of capitalization. Discoursal features: intertwining streams of conversation; frequent use of addressitivity in turn-taking; adjacency pairs seldom or never adjacent.
S 用,风格幽默 句法特征:短句,简单句的运用,省略句和结构不完整的语句,疑问句的 频繁使用 字位特征:允许拼写错误,标点符号的非常规使用,表情符号的运用, 大写的减少 语篇特征:话语流的交织,使用呼语表示话轮,毗邻配对的不毗邻等。
参考来源 - The Linguistic Features of Netspeak in Internet Chatrooms一方面小说人物无论作者是何性别,都在话轮交替中表现的较为平等,男性和女性人物都有类似的维护话语权的行为。
参考来源 - One is that the fictional characters tend to behave equal in a process of turn-taking, no matter the author is female or male.Turn-taking is the key issue in conversation analysis, and the convention of turn-taking varies between cultures and languages.
参考来源 - 中美商务谈判中的话轮转换:跨文化交际观(研究生论文)·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
In conversations, interpersonal coordination is found when people adjust the duration of their utterances and their speech rate to one another so that they can enable turn-taking to occur.
Turn-taking analysis is a method to study drama stylistic.
I had a nanny who spent all day playing turn-taking games with me.