转败为胜(Turn the tables),岁喜欢一个女人,要缠着不放,一天100个电话,时时刻刻分分秒秒都想在一起。30岁喜欢一个女人,淡淡地看着,若有若无的往来。
... lay something on the table 摆在桌面上讨论 turn the tables 扭转形势(尤指转不利为有利) on the table 被提出予以讨论 ...
turn the tables on 还治其人 ; 转败为胜
turn n the tables 扭转局势
Crazy how the tables turn 为情况的变化而疯狂
Watch the tables turn 命运的转轮终会转向好的一面
But then the tables turn 但是出乎意料
"When somebody refuses to repay a loan, I turn the tables by requesting one myself," she says.
" When somebody refuses to repay a loan, I turn the tables by requesting one myself," she says.
We still have a chance to turn the tables on them at the last minute.