... 详细地址请参考,联系地址:592 Main St,邮编:83220,地址编号:592,街道地址:Main,地址说明:St。 名称: Turner Kevin 地址: 592 Main St ...
And with the great addition of Kevin Turner as our COO, our leadership team has never been stronger.
随着Kevin Turner成为我们的COO,我们的领导团队变得从未有过的强大。
Microsoft's COO Kevin Turner just had a quote for the ages.
微软首席运营官凯文·特纳(Kevin Turner)说了一句“千古名言”。
Kevin Turner, chief operating officer, scoffed at that explanation, these people said. Mr.
这些当事人表示,微软的首席运营长特纳(Kevin Turner)对这种解释嗤之以鼻。