【真诚请教】 舞毒蛾(gypsy moth)和毒蛾(tussock moth)有什么区别呀 请问舞毒蛾(gypsy moth)和毒蛾(tussock moth)有什么区别呀? 还是舞毒蛾(gypsy moth)是毒蛾(tussock moth)的一种呢?
tea tussock moth [植保] 茶毛虫
oriental tussock moth 东方毒蛾 ; [昆] 柿黄青蛾
hickory tussock moth 山核桃毒蛾
sedge tussock moth 牧草毒蛾
hevea tussock moth 荞麦毒蛾 ; 棉古毒蛾
spotted tussock moth 秣草斑灯蛾
同义词: lymantriid
以上来源于: WordNet
N any of various pale or dull-coloured moths of the family Lymantriidae (or Laparidae), the hairy caterpillars of which are pests of many trees 毒蛾; 灰白色或暗色,多毛的履带对很多树有害 → see also gipsy moth, brown-tail moth, goldtail moth