...,在美国国家基金委的帮助下,这项研究得以开展,英国南极局与德克 萨斯大学利用装备冰雷达的双水獭飞机(Twin Otter aircraft)对 Pine 岛集水盆地与 Thwaites 冰川进行了调查。在7 周时间内,这两个航次飞行了10 万公里,对底部基岩表面 地形进行了测量。
twin otter aircraft
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
Searchers found the plane, a Twin Otter aircraft carrying three people, close to the summit of Mount Elizabeth in Queen Alexandra Range, in Antarctica.
CNN: 3 believed dead after plane wreckage found in Antarctica
The ISSC has recently acquired a new Twin Otter aircraft, which will be brought into service later this month, bringing its fleet up to seven.
BBC: Land's End Airport opens new ?1m passenger terminal
The Twin Otter aircraft was flying from the South Pole to an Italian Antarctic base when its emergency beacon was activated at 10:00 GMT on Wednesday.
BBC: Antarctic search for missing plane carrying Canadians