LS-DYNA 中的接触类型大体上可以分为五大类: One-Way Contact (单向接触) Two-Way Contact( 双向接触) Single Contact(单面接触) Entity Tied Contac(固-连接触) 在以上接触类型中,前四种接触类型的接触算法均采用罚函数法.
... two-value capacitor motor 双值电容式电动机 two-way contact 双向触点 two-way make-before-break contact 双向先闭后开 ...
two way contact 双向触点
two way break before-make contact 双向先断后合触点
two-way make-before break contact 双向先合后断触点
two-way make-before-break contact 双向先合后断触点
two way make-before break contact 双向先合后断触点
two way makebefore break contact 双向先合后断触点
For example, all a VFR pilot has to do to enter Class C airspace is establish two-way radio contact with ATC.
例如,VFR 飞行员进入 C 类空域所要做的就是与空中交通管制建立双向无线电联系。
Eye contact is one way of measuring the degree of closeness of relationship between two speakers, although there are cultural variations in the meaning of eye contact.
The universe visitor mobile: hainan card 0070 9131 152 hunan card to reduce unnecessary two-way charge, please contact with messages.
宇宙来客手机:(海南卡)152 0070 9131(湖南卡)(为减少不必要的双向收费,请用短信接洽。)