two-stroke diesel engine 二冲程柴油发动机 ; 二冲程柴油机 ; 二冲程柴油策念头
two-stroke marine diesel engine 二冲程船用柴油机
two stroke marine diesel engine 二冲程船用柴油机
two-stroke e diesel engine 二冲程柴油发动机
two-stroke e marine diesel engine 二冲程船用柴油发动机
The vessel to be propelled by a single-acting two stroke supercharged cross head Diesel engine, acting to a fixed pitch propeller .
The purpose of the paper is to carry out the simulated working process calculation of the two stroke low speed diesel engine by applying the developed calculating program.
Based on control volume model often used for steady state simulation and crank-connecting rod model, a torque generation model for a two-stroke diesel engine was established.