type A behavior pattern A型行为 ; 型行为类型 ; a型性格 ; a型行为类型
type-a behavior a型行为 ; a型人格
type a behavior self a型行为
type a behavior scale a型行为量表
type a behavior personnel a型性格
type a behavior questionnaire a型行为问卷
study of type a behavior a型行为分析
A Type A behavior characteristics A型行为特征
a type behavior A型行为
Methods 56 neurotic patients were investigated by the Defense Style Questionnaire (DSQ) and Type a Behavior Questionnaire (TABQ).
People who rush to answer are usually highly impatient and impatience has long been considered a major component of Type a behavior.
Conclusion Mind body relaxing therapy can significantly improve the somatic symptoms, anxiety, depression, and type a behavior in patients with CAS.