屏蔽泵的性能特点及选型-行业资讯-真空镀膜|真空镀膜材料|镀膜|镀膜材料|真空镀膜设备|真空镀膜技术|真空镀膜机|中国真空镀膜网 关键词 屏蔽泵 特性 选型 [gap=279]Keywords:canned motor pump,characteristic,type selection
... natural selection自然选择;[生]物竞天择说 type selection典型选择 site selection厂址选择;基地选择;位置选择 ...
... type selection 选型 ; 典型选择 ; 类型选择 ; 模式选定 primitive type 原始类型 ; 基本类型 ; 原语类型 ; 基本型别 feminine type 女人气质的 ; 女刚出生的孩子气质的 ...
photo type selection 照片类型选择
type selection for application 应用选型
Drive type selection 硬盘驱动器类型选择
Contract Type Selection 合同类型选择
pile type selection 桩型选择
Protocol Type Selection 协议类型选择
Based on the basic idea of conceptual design of bridges, the thesis highlights the bridge type selection and bridge sculpt, emphasizes the bridge aesthetics which has been neglected by conventional design for a long time.
参考来源 - 桥梁概念设计研究The type selection of interchange is an important work of the desk work with implications of its function,cost,landscape,social and economic benefit .
参考来源 - 立体交叉选型及评价系统研究Mathematics model of type selection design was established and computer sof tware design was completed.
建立了离心除 尘器选型设计的数学模型,完成了计算机软件设计。
参考来源 - 离心除尘器计算机选型设计 THE COMPUTER TYPE SECLECTION DESIGN OF CENTRIFUGAL DUSTINGIn addition,project investment amounts,expecting results and potential number of sellers can’t be neglected during contract-type selection.
参考来源 - 研发外包契约类型选择:固定支付契约还是成本附加契约·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Activity type selection (corresponds to the runtime implementation).
To filter the list of reports, click on the report Type selection list.
要过滤报告列表,可以单击Report Type选择需要过滤的列表。
Select Deployment manager profile in the profile type selection (Figure 11), then Next.
在概要类型选项中选择Deployment manager profile(图11),然后单击Next。