Nylon Tyre Cord Fabric 帘子布 ; 日终止对我帘子布 ; 日对中国尼龙帘子布 ; 中国的帘子布
rayon tyre cord fabric 粘胶轮胎帘子布
Dipped Nylon Tyre Cord Fabric 尼龙浸胶帘子布
tyre-cord fabric 轮胎帘子布
tyre cord fabric dipping machine 帘子布浸胶机
Viscose greige tyre cord fabric 粘胶白坯帘子布
nylon 66 tyre cord fabric 锦纶浸胶帘子布
nylon dipped tyre cord fabric 浸胶帘子布
Viscose dipped tyre cord fabric 粘胶浸胶帘子布
Our company is the largest producer of Nylon 6 industrial yarn and Nylon 6 tyre cord fabric in China and Asia.
The full automatic measurement of edge of cord fabric for meridian tyre and discussion on positioning method are introduced?