U Don Noodle 乌冬面
u don 乌东面
If U Don T 对他不好
Don T U Cry 不要哭泣
Don t U cry tonight 今夜不要哭泣
DoN tElL u 职业
N (in Japanese cookery) large noodles made of wheat flour (日式烹饪)乌冬面
I've been told by U. S. friends that if I don 't suffer when I give birth, I will have been robbed somehow of the birthing experience.
U want to see a movie don 'you?
A river, about, 04 'km (' 50 mi) long, of southwest European U. S. S. r. It is a tributary of the Don river.
前苏联欧洲部分西南部河流,流程约,04 '公里(' 50英里)。是顿河的一条支流。
Well, it's not just in the U.S., essentially every--I don't know if there's any exception.
The U.K. Had copied the U.S. Idea -I guess they copied -I don't know where the original -I think it's probably -is it U.K. Cpying the U.S. In this case?