ulnar nerve palsies 尺神经麻痹
sulcus for ulnar nerve [解剖] 尺神经沟
friction neutitis of ulnar nerve 摩擦性尺神经炎 ; 冲突性尺神经炎
palsy of ulnar nerve 尺神经麻痹 ; 尺神经器官麻木
ulnar nerve injury 尺神经损伤 ; 尺神经受损
ulnar nerve paralysis 尺神经麻痹
dorsal branch of ulnar nerve [解剖] 尺神经手背支
Deep branch of ulnar nerve 尺神经深支
palmar branch of ulnar nerve [解剖] 尺神经掌支
One idea for how the ulnar nerve got its silly name is the fact that the nerve also runs through the humerus bone in your upper arm.
In most spots along this route the ulnar nerve stays hidden within muscles and other tissue.
In fact, you've just hit your ulnar nerve, which controls feeling in your pinky and ring fingers, and helps control the muscles in the wrist, as well as parts of the hand.