unalterable principle 天经地义 ; 天地间本当如此
unalterable truth 不易之论
unalterable element 系统的不变化部分
unalterable truths 不破的真理
This is an unalterable fact 这是不可改变的事实
unalterable unchangeable 不能改变的
Unalterable Writings 不刊之书
"unalterable resolve"; "an unalterable ground rule"
同义词: inalterable
"an unalterable death sentence"
同义词: changeless
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ Something that is unalterable cannot be changed. 不可改变的 [usu ADJ n]
...an unalterable fact of life.
… 生命中不可改变的事实。
If these differences correspond with the differences in the hemispheric trunkline, there is an unalterable distinction between the sexes.
Many things about them are absolutely the same and unalterable.
The fact that the two vessels did sink is an unalterable fact of history.
Unalterable shall be what I may bring into being, Neither recalled nor changed shall be the command of my lips."