... 不为人知的 unbeknown 即习惯用语 the idiomatic phrases 习惯用语 idiomatic expressions; words and expressions ...
unbeknown infertility 不明原因不孕
"a crisis unbeknown to me"; "she had been ill for months, unbeknownst to the family"
同义词: unbeknownst(p)
"unbeknownst to me, she made all the arrangements"
同义词: unbeknownst
以上来源于: WordNet
ADV without the knowledge (of a person) 不知道的 (Also (esp Brit) unbeknownst)
unbeknown to him she had left the country
ADJ not known (to) 不为…所知的 [RARE]
Unbeknown to her they had organized a surprise party.
It appears that unbeknown to Bolwell, the future (much like President Obama) has already arrived.
Unbeknown to them, the "scrap" contained a highly radioactive source used to treat cancer patients.