... 万能的, 全能的 almighty 本能的 instictively; instinctive; involantary; unconditioned 不能的 indisposed; unable ...
无约束的 ruleless; unbound; unconditioned; unconfined; unconstrained; unengaged; unlimited; uunco trained; void 显约束的 explicit constraint .
unconditioned reflex [生理] 非条件反射 ; [生理] 无条件反射 ; 条件反射
Unconditioned stimulus 非制约刺激 ; 无条件剌激 ; [生理] 无条件刺激 ; 非条件刺激物
unconditioned response 非制约反应 ; 无条件反应 ; 非条件反射
unconditioned zone 非空气调节区
UCR unconditioned response 无条件响应 ; 非条件响应
unconditioned inhibition 无条件抑制 ; 非条件抑制 ; 非条件性抑制
unconditioned defense reaction 无条件防御反应
unconditioned reflex activity 无条件反射活动
unconditioned connection 无条件联系 ; 非条件联系
ADJ characterizing an innate reflex and the stimulus and response that form parts of it 无反应的 [psychol] → compare conditioned
When Pavlov put food powder in the dog's mouth, and saliva was generated. That's an unconditioned stimulus giving rise to an unconditioned response.
What's the unconditioned response?
What's the unconditioned stimulus?
So, the idea here is, repeated pairings of the unconditioned stimulus and the conditioned stimulus will give rise to the response.
Now the pain of a bite, being bit, and then the pain and fear of that is an unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response.
When Pavlov put food powder in the dog's mouth and saliva was generated, that's an unconditioned stimulus giving rise to an unconditioned response.