... number:数 boolean:布尔值,只有true和false两个值,是所有类型中占用内存最少的 undefined:没有定义和赋值的变量 ...
Undefined Fantastic Object 东方星莲船
Undefined Instruction [计] 未定义指令 ; 未定义的指令 ; 未定义指令异常 ; 异常中断处理
undefined variable 未定义变量
undefined symbol [计] 未定义符号 ; 未定义的符号 ; 编译报错 ; 符号没有定义
undefined record 未定义记录
undefined file [计] 未定义文件
Undefined Areas 未定义区域
undefined structure 无定型结构 ; 不定型结构
Undefined mode 未定义模式 ; 未定义模式UND
ADJ not defined or made clear 不明确的
the job has remained undefined
The money was lent for an undefined period of time.
A sort of undefined longing crept upon them.
The undefined background also shows how Cecilia Beaux was influenced by the French Impressionists, who believed, like Beaux, in a personal rather than conventional approach to their subject matter.
Yale University is a non-profit corporation; the price of a share in Yale University is undefined-- it's zero over zero.
Undefined reference, what was the solution last time?
But the take away for now is that if you don't clue -lcs50, -- you get some mention -- some error message -- about "undefined symbol," and that should be your clue that, "Oh it's undefined in that I haven't told the compiler that I want to link in these zeros and ones."