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under secretary of state

  • 国务次卿



... 副国务秘书 deputy under-secretary of state; sub-secretary of state; subsecretary; under secretary of state 国务秘书 secretart of state; secretary of state of canada; secretary of the state; state secretary; under-secretary of state 国务秘书处 secretariat of state ...



Under Secretary of State 副国务卿 ; 国务次卿 ; 副国务秘书

first under secretary of state 第一国务秘书

deputy under secretary of state 副国务卿帮办

deputy under-secretary of state 副国务秘书

permanent under secretary of state 常任国务秘书

permanent under-secretary of state 常任国务秘书

first under-secretary of state 第一国务秘书

deputy permanent under-secretary of state 副常任国务秘书


Under Secretary of State

  • abstract: The Under Secretary of State, from 1919 to 1972, was the second-ranking official at the United States Department of State (immediately beneath the United States Secretary of State), serving as the Secretary's principal deputy, chief assistant, and Acting Secretary in the event of the Secretary's absence. Prior second-ranking positions had been the Chief Clerk, the Assistant Secretary of State, and the Counselor.

以上来源于: WordNet


  • Said Secretary of State George Shultz: "When an incident hascross-border implications, there's an obligation under international law toinform others and to do it promptly.

    国务卿乔治.肖特茨(George Shultz:“事故已经产生了国际影响时,国际法框架内,苏联义务通知其他国家事件进行妥善处理。


  • Rand Paul,a grassroots conservative activist candidate, running under the "Tea Party" banner, scored a blowout win over the hand-picked Republican establishment candidate, Secretary of State Trey Grayson.

    VOA: standard.2010.05.19

  • He was a parliamentary under-secretary of state at the Department for Employment, the Department of Transport and the Northern Ireland Office between 1984 and 1990 - but has spent most of his Parliamentary career as a backbencher.

    BBC: Tory veteran Peter Bottomley awarded knighthood

  • Sir John Chilcot, 70, is a former permanent under-secretary of state at the Northern Ireland Office and has been chairman since 2001 of the Police Foundation and sat on the Butler Inquiry into the intelligence on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.

    BBC: Iraq war inquiry to be in private

  • Under state law, Secretary of State Jan Brewer -- a Republican -- takes over.

    CNN: Obama to nominate Richardson for Cabinet

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