矿务局,矿业集团 第一节 第一节 煤田开发的概念 煤田开发的概念 二、井田 井田(underground mine field)划分给一个矿井开 采的那一部分煤田称为井田。 井田大小 : 范围 走向长度 倾向水平投影(宽度) 井田面积大小决定了矿井生产能力...
Zhengzhuang mining Field is a newly-built mine and the mining of its lower coal seams is subjected to the threat of underground water.
The gas got together, and the technician acted against the rules to weld underground in the mine field. There were more than twenty people killed in the fire damp explosion.
To have a general view of a mine through the field visit can be time, energy and financial consuming, which would also be restricted by the mine reality and underground workings.