...时间,或在此时间之前的任何时刻,按约定的 价格 买入或 卖出一定数量某种资产的权利 基础资产 价格 ( Underlying Asset Price ):期权合约中的资产 价格 期权的履行价或执行价(Exercise Price或Striking Price ):在期权 合约中所规定买入或卖出基础资产...
On the hypothesis of the underlying asset price following Lognormal Process in the two model, we can extend the way of asset price Logprofit Process 'approach to multi-asset options pricing.
Currency rate fluctuations can adversely affect the underlying asset value, also affecting the ETF price.
In the money: the state of an option when the price of the underlying asset is higher (in the case of a call option) or lower (in the case of a put option) than the option's strike price.