You're keeping up with more and more small files—which is okay—but also building a set of undocumented assumptions.
As an extreme case, parameters could be undocumented and the code distributed together with a default parameter set.
It is common in software for developers to write code that depends on some undocumented behaviour of a function, such as expecting an undocumented side effect to occur.
A measure known as the Dream Act would put these children of undocumented immigrants on a path toward citizenship instead of possible expulsion.
VOA: special.2010.09.30
(SAYING) Yulmi says many work 15-16 hours a day, holding two jobs and are underpaid because they are undocumented.
VOA: standard.2010.03.21
But Immigration reform advocates maintain a legal path to citizenship for undocumented workers will help boost the U.S.economy.
VOA: standard.2010.04.12