...矩常数 Transfer function 转换方程 Transient response 暂态响应 Transition matrix 转移矩阵 Unit step response 单位阶跃响应 Vandermonde matrix 范德蒙矩阵 Velocity control system 速度控制系统 Velocity error constant 速度误差常数 ..
单位阶跃响应(unit step response):单位阶跃函数激励下 电路中产生的零状态响应。 阶跃响应的求解:阶跃激励在某一特定时刻(例如作用于 零初始储能的电路,相当于...
Unit-Step Response of First-order System 单位阶跃响应
unit-step response function 阶跃函数
unit-step response 单位阶跃响应
unit step response curve 单位阶跃响应曲线
unit-step response indicial response 单位阶跃进响应
unit step wave response time 方波响应时间
Matlab real system parameters, the system unit step response of the relevant parameters.
In this paper, a kind of non-parameter model is constructed with the unit step response of the nuclear reactor neutron dynamic system.
This paper presents the input voltage shape reconstructed by FFT method from the distorted output shape and unit step response of impulse high voltage measuring system.