美国联合银行(United Commercial Bank) 是我行唯一股东,是一家在服务华人社区及在华从事商业活动的非亚裔商务人士领域全美最大的商业银行,银行总部位于旧金山,在全美...
美国联合银行(United Commercial Bank) 是我行唯一股东,是一家在服务华人社区及在华从事商业活动的非亚裔商务人士领域全美最大的商业银行,银行总部位于旧金山,在全美...
united commercial bank ltd 合众商业银行
United Commercial Bank - Irvine 联合银行
United World Chinese Commercial Bank 世华联合商业银行
United States Golden commercial bank 美国金汇商业银行
In the new nation emerged two kinds of bank -the commercial Banks chartered by state legislatures and the bank of the United States deriving its authority by act of the U.S.Congress.
In the new nation emerged two kinds of bank -the commercial Banks chartered by state legislatures and the bank of the United States deriving its authority by act of the U. s. Congress.
Gradually the First bank of the United States evolved into a sort of banker's bank, gaining the power to police lesser commercial Banks.