...中心张奕华教授应德国学术交流服务中心(Germany Academic Exchange Service)和德国耶那大学(Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena)药学院院长Jochen Lehmann教授邀请,于2007年6月27日至7月7日对德国进行了友好访问。
University of Jena 耶拿大学
Jena University 耶拿大学 ; 德国耶那大学
Friedrich Schiller University of Jena 耶拿大学
University of Applied Sciences Jena 德国耶拿应用技术大学
Berger studied medicine, neurology, psychiatry and psychology at the University of Jena.
Talking to your doctor about your pain might therefore be self-defeating claims the researchers at Jena University in Germany as it stimulates a part of the brain known as the “pain matrix”.
德国耶拿大学的研究人员称,向医生描述你的疼痛感同样会弄巧成拙 -- 因为这会激活脑部被称作“痛感矩阵”的区域。
Psychologists from Jena University in Germany discovered that a person's perceived age varies depending on the people they are with.