university of heriot watt
格拉斯哥利多尼亚大学 - Glasgow Caledonian University 赫瑞·瓦特大学 - University of Heriot Watt 诺丁汉特伦特大学 - Nottingham Trent University ..
... 赫特福德大学 - University of Hertfordshire 白金汉大学 - University of Buckingham 赫瑞•瓦特大学 - University of Heriot Watt ...
英国赫瑞·瓦特大学 ( University of Heriot Watt)位于爱丁堡市,创办于1821年,迄今已有180多年的历史,在诸如精算数学、光电子学和激光、建筑环境、石油、计算机领域皆拥有一流的...
英国硕士预科学校强势推荐 ... 伦敦城市大学(City) 莹 City University London 赫瑞?瓦特大学 㞐 University of Heriot Watt 英国基尔大学 Keele University ...
university of heriot watt
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
Professor Adrian North of Heriot-Watt University enlisted 36,000 people from around the world to rate 104 musical styles and answer a series of personality questions in hopes of finding a link.
来自heriot - Watt大学的Adrian North教授邀请来自世界各地得3.6万人对104中音乐风格进行评选,并回答了一些列性格提问,希望找出联系。
The report was funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation but carried out by Professor Philip Leather of London's South Bank University and Professor Moira Munro of Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh.
BBC: Cowboy fears stop essential maintenance
While there are still real waiting lists in the south, Glen Bramley, professor of planning and housing at Heriot Watt University, reckons that there is a growing surplus of houses in the north, increasing at a rate of more than 50, 000 houses a year.
Professor Julian Jones of Heriot-Watt University also gets an OBE for his work on pioneering new types of fibre optics.
BBC: DNA pioneer is honoured