... 加州大学圣地亚哥分校 University of California - 太平洋大学(石头城) University of the Pacific - 马里兰洛约拉大学 Loyola University - ...
University of the Pacific 太平洋大学 ; 夏威夷太平洋大学 ; 美国太平洋大学 ; 承平洋大学
The University of the Pacific 太平洋大学
University of the South Pacific 南太平洋大学 ; 主要大学有南太大学
University of the Pacific diploma 美国太平洋大学毕业证
The University of South Pacific 南太平洋大学
University y of the Pacific 太平洋大学
"It is much larger than anything we've seen in the Pacific in 45 years," said Okal, of Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.
Neither did Tang’s purported PhD from the California Institute of Technology. His degree was from an unaccredited “diploma mill” called Pacific Western University.
Two evolutionary psychologists, Paul Vasey and Doug VanderLaan of the University of Lethbridge, Canada tested this idea for the past several years on the Pacific island of Samoa.
来自加拿大Lethbridge大学的两位进化心理学家Paul Vasey和Doug VanderLaan过去几年一直在太平洋的萨摩亚岛上验证这种想法。