unknown sample 未知样品 ; 未知样本
Identification of unknown sample 盲样鉴定
unknown water sample 未知水样
Unknown Complex Sample 复杂未知样品
sample separation unknown 样本分割信息
The fact that a DB2 UDB SAMPLE database is used by the server is unknown to this client (and the client doesn't require the DB2 client drivers installed to work).
对于该客户机来说,它不知道该服务器使用DB 2 UDB SAMPLE数据库这个事实(并且,该客户机不要求安装DB 2客户机驱动程序)。
A sample of a known compound must be utilized in order to assure identification of the unknown compound.
Three samples consisted of standard or quasi-standard substances with known specific activities of some nuclides while the radioactivity of the other sample was unknown.