...w called CD-Player while a German user launches CD-Spieler and gets a window called CD-Spieler 未知的名 称 Unknown Name 程式的名 称 Name of the program ..
... Notifications 通知 Unknown name 未知的名称 Show notification when an app is granted su Permissions 一个应用程序时显示通知苏被授予权限 ...
name unknown 无名 ; 净值 ; 船名不详 ; 名称不详
with name unknown 匿名的 ; 无名的
NU name unknown 无名 ; 净值 ; 船名不详
unknown user name or password 未知的用户名或密码 ; 用户名未知或密码
host name is unknown 主机名是未知
unknown community name 团体名出错的包个数
unknown host name 未知主机名
Unknown Factory Name 未知工厂名称
Alien Dalvik comes from Myriad, an unknown name perhaps, but they're no small player.
Alien Dalvik来自Myriad,一个也许不为人知的名字。但是它却不是小的玩家。
Any embedded links to documents will point to an unknown name if the server name or collection name is changed.
An unfamiliar digital human that has been created through CGI will also face the same challenge as an unknown actor: they don't have the appeal of an established name.