... 计划停运 planned outage 非计划停运 unplanned outage 第l类非计划停运(立即停运) immediate outage ...
... 非计划停工 unscheduled shutdown 非计划停机 unplanned outage 非计划停机时间 nonscheduled down time ...
unplanned outage hours 非计划停运小时
unplanned outage times 非计划停运次数
unplanned outage state 非计划停运状态
unplanned outage rate 非计划停运率
Unplanned outage hours UOH 非计划停运小时
The cost of an unplanned outage of up to 2 hours is a thousand dollars per hour
一个长达两个小时的未计划中断的花费是 1千美元每小时。
The cost of an unplanned outage of over 2 hours but less than one day is b thousand dollars per hour, etc.
一个超过 2 小时但是少于 1天的未计划中断的花费是 b千美元每小时等。
Is that always true, or is the cost less for a regular, planned outage than for a surprise unplanned outage?