Unscripted Monterey Bay 蒙特雷湾酒店
ASK An Unscripted Question 即兴发问
Life Unscripted 唱片名
unscripted d 不用稿子既
Unscripted Radio 即兴广播
Unscripted Formats 非剧本版式
"unscripted talk shows"
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ An unscripted talk or speech is made without detailed preparation, rather than being read out. (谈话、讲话)不用底稿的 [usu ADJ n]
...unscripted radio programmes.
This included dramas, comedies, unscripted fare and newsmagazines.
Americans like debates because the candidates can be compared in an unscripted, live performance.
the popularity of unscripted programming has had the unexpected effect of ennobling its scripted counterpart.