而恰巧我们在昨日的SCEE的Event中得知这个DEMO就是由开发PS4游戏《黎明之前》(Until Dawn)的Supermassive Games制作的,所以大可以相信他们有营造恐怖气氛的功力。
...4) 《潜龙谍影5:幻痛》(Metal Gear Solid 5:The Phantom Pain) 《量子破碎》(Quantum Break) 《静待黎明》(Until Dawn) Quantic Dream的新作可以替换静待黎明 等级太低无资格参与投票 举报 aliforse aliforse 当前离线 圣骑士 圣骑士, 积分 4886, 距...
Until Dawn Rush of Blood 直到黎明血戮
Vampires Until Dawn 黎明前的吸血鬼
Tonight battle until dawn 今夜决战到天亮
until until dawn 直到黎明
I Sleep Until Dawn 一觉至天明
This night until dawn battle 今夜决战到天亮
They Reveled Until Dawn 他们狂欢通宵达旦
Decisive battle tonight until dawn 今夜决战到天亮
from dusk until dawn 从黄昏到破晓
以上来源于: WordNet
That night we partied until dawn.
Fighters and bombers waited until dawn.
So I went by night and fought against it from the break of dawn until noon, taking it and slaying all 7000 men, boys, women and girls and maid servants, for I had devoted them to destruction for the god Ashtar Chemosh", referring to herem. It is likely that such claims are hyperbolic in Moab and it is likely they were hyperbolic in Israel.