... 不能用语言表达的 indescribable; inexpressible 非语言所能表达的 unutterable 基因表达的封条 masking tape for gene expression ...
unutterable fear 难以形容的害怕或担心
unutterable joy 说不出的喜悦
indescribable or unutterable 难以描叙的
unutterable love 难以言表的爱
The Unutterable 唱片名
unutterable delight 说不出的喜悦
"unutterable contempt"
同义词: indefinable indescribable ineffable unspeakable untellable
"unutterable consonant clusters"
同义词: unpronounceable
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ You can use unutterable to emphasize that something, especially a bad quality, is great in degree or intensity. 非常(坏、糟糕)的 [书面] [ADJ n]
...unutterable rubbish.
unutterably ADV
I suddenly felt unutterably depressed.
With unutterable misery, the fettered little King heard the voices and footsteps fade away and die out.
After that the blackness of unutterable night.
In their echoes, there was a tone of unutterable sorrow.
They are un-individuated, if that makes any sense, in the act of sexual union. There is the unutterable sexual rush that can only come about through total corporeal enjambment.