论文:提高肥料利用率的因素与对策-中大网校论文网 关键词肥料利用率;旱田;水田;提高因素;对策 [gap=634]Key wordsfertilizer use efficiency;upland field;paddy field;promote factor;contermeasures
rice seedling on upland field 旱育苗
rice field-upland field rotation 水旱轮作
Upland field use 旱田利用
upland field crops 旱地作物
yellow upland field 黄壤旱地
condition of upland field 旱田状态
Imazamox is an imidazolinone compound. It is a high-effective post-emergence herbicide used in upland field.
Field experiments were carried out on Loess Plateau to investigate the effects of cropping on the physical and chemical properties, phosphatase activity, and N2O emission of upland soils.
That a large number of apple tree planted will result in the desiccation of field soils on the upland, which will affect the water cycle in this area.