Piczo, BeBo, and hi-5 have partnered with a company called VideoEgg to provide video editing, uploading, and display tools for their users.
Piczo BeBo和hi - 5已经和一个叫做VideoEgg的公司合作,为用户提供视频编辑、上传和展示工具。
Now that the feature is turned off, it's time to dust off useful tools (eg. project setup tool hoe) that automate the process of building the Gem and uploading it to RubyForge.
既然这个功能已经被关闭了,是时候重新拿起那些能自动构建Gem并将其上传至RubyForge的工具(例如 项目配置工具Hoe)了。
External media and storage devices are quick and convenient tools for transporting and uploading files to another computer.