通常把大于ω c 或小于-ω c 的频带叫做上边带(Upper- side band, USB); 把大于-ω c 且小于ω c 的频带叫做下边带(Lower-side band, LSB)。
upper side-band 上旁频带
upper side-band modulation 上边带调变
upper side band spectrum [电子] 上边带频谱
upper side band 高旁带
upper side band wave 上边带波
USSB Upper Single Side Band 上单边带
upper side of waist band 腰头的上边沿部位
The X-ray diffraction (XRD), excitation, emission and phonon side band spectra of the upper and lower parts of crystals were measured.
The southern warm and moist stream at boundary layer is obstructed by Dabie Mountain and the obstruction enforces the rain band at the upper part of the windward side.