Sailor Uranus 天王遥 ; 水手天王星 ; 天王星 ; 水兵天王星
exploration of Uranus 天王星探测
the Uranus 天王星
ouranos or uranus 天神乌拉诺斯 ; 乌拉诺斯
uranus system 天王星系统 ; 乌拉诺斯系统 ; 天王星体系
Planet Uranus 天王星
Moon square Uranus 月亮刑海王 ; 月亮刑天王
N the personification of the sky, who, as a god, ruled the universe and fathered the Titans and Cyclopes on his wife and mother Gaea (earth). He was overthrown by his son Cronus 乌拉诺斯; 天空的拟人化身,掌管宇宙,被其子克洛诺斯推翻 [Greek myth]
N one of the giant planets, the seventh planet from the sun, sometimes visible to the naked eye. It has about 15 satellites, a ring system, and an axis of rotation almost lying in the plane of the orbit. Mean distance from sun: 2870 million km; period of revolution around sun: 84 years; period of axial rotation: 17.23 hours; diameter and mass: 4 and 14.5 times that of earth respectively 天王星