urban residents' income 城镇居民收入
urban residents ' income 城镇居民收入
urban residents income growth 城镇居民增收
urban-rural residents' income difference 城乡收入差别
middle- and low-income urban residents 中低收入城市居民
urban residents disposable income 城镇居民人均可支配收入
income of urban residents 城镇居民收入
disposable income of urban residents 城市市区居民可支配收入
PEOPLE living in the towns of sub-Saharan Africa spend a bigger share of their income on food than do urban residents almost anywhere else in the world.
In contrast, over the same period, the cumulative increase was 1.6 times for urban residents' per capita disposable income and 1.2 times for rural peasants' per capita income.
The per capita disposable income of urban residents and the per capita net income of rural residents will rise by an annual average of over 7% in real terms.