USB Storage Device USB 存储设备 Serial Port 串口,设置为“ENABLED”(默认设置)。BIOS和CMOS是既相关联又有区别,一般它是一块32针的双列直插式的集成电路。
Introduce the USB device genus (Mass Storage) and how to realize the USB interface in the embedded system.
介绍US B设备类(以海量存储类协议为主)以及如何在嵌入式系统中实现USB接口。
Sometimes clicking "Safely remove USB device" button can't remove USB storage safely.
有时候点击“安全移除USB 设备”按钮不能安全移除USB 存储器。
The logic analyzer detects the storage state of the USB device and generates pulse on a drive signal when the storage operation of the USB device is error.