...在采用标准UML构建的用例模型(Use-Case Model)中,参与者(Actor)与用例(Use Case)是模型中的主要元素,其中参与者与用例之间可以具有( )关系。
Use Case Model 模型 ; 例模型 ; 使用个案模式 ; 用例模型
business use-case model 业务用例模型
System Use Case Model 系统用例模型 ; 使用案例模型
Use Case Model Template 用例模型模板
domain use case model 领域Usecase模型
structured use case model 结构化用例模型
enterprise use case model 企业模型
hierarchical use case model 层次用例模型
Use Case Transition Model 用例迁移模型
The RUP documentation shows the evolution from business use-case model to business object model and system use-case model; we found this to be quite accurate and helpful.
In particular, you will often have multiple choices about how to structure your use case model 11; when you do, align your use case model with the above attributes.
So, they are a sign of a problematic use case model.