Terms such as "first cla ", "well known", "qualified", "independent", "official", "competent" or "local" used to describe the i uer of a document allow any i uer except the beneficiary to i ue that document.
The term kleptoplasty is used to describe the practice of using hijacked genes to create nutrients from sunlight.
Which word can be used to describe the rain in this poem?
The "selfie" is used to describe the self-taken photo, often from a smartphone.
Yet the expression also can be used to describe the top person in any area.
VOA: special.2009.11.29
Mythology is used to describe stories that deal with The birth, the life events of gods and demi-gods, sometimes legendary heroes, but narrating a sequence of events.
And these are all spoken of in terms that are analogous to terms used to describe God as the shepherd of his flock of Israel and in control of life and death and so on.