very useful value 较强的应用价值
wide useful value 推广使用价值
great useful value 重大价值
useful value of log 林木使用价值
useful working value 有用劳动价值
Useful Reference Value 很有参考价值
It shows the useful value of CFD to diesel helical intake port evaluation.
The example analysis shows that the method has the better forecast precision and useful value.
An example for calculation of Qingzuji oilfield shows great useful value of the increase curve.
But it's a valuable thing. It says, in each case, I return some useful value from this procedure.
- And it's worth--; it's sort of a useful test for asking yourself -- what are the things you must value in life-- to ask, what would you choose to do if you knew you had five years, ten years, ? what have you?