用户自定义特征(User Defined Feature):可用于添加材料或去除材料。 5 2.1.3 对模型进行细化 对模型进行细化相当于对粗加工后的模型进行精加工。
... User Defined 用户定义的 User Defined Feature 用户定义的特征 User Defined Symbol 用户定义的符号 ...
...准件库的创建方法总结起来主要有电子表格法( Spreadsheet)、关系表达式法(Expression)、用户自定义特征法(User Defined Feature)、知识熔接法(Knowledge Fusion)和程序设计法等五种方法。
user-defined feature udf 自定义特征
The models of each standard part could be created based on parametric method, and the pocket feature related to the standard part could be created with UDF (user defined feature) method.
HPC Services for Excel 2010 is another new feature helping to process large Excel spreadsheets and multiple User Defined Functions (UDFs) on HPC clusters.
另一项新特性是针对Excel 2010的HPC服务,它会有助于在HPC的集群中处理大型的Excel工作表和多个用户定义功能(udf)。
For the Blogs feature, the user account that has administration rights should be defined prior to installing the feature, and the Blogs Home must be defined immediately upon installation.
对于Blogs特性,在安装特性之前,应定义具有管理权限的用户帐户,并且必须在安装后立即定义Blogs Home。