据情报消息来源透露,阿尔盖达认为2000年在也门攻击美国海军的“科尔”号军舰(USS Cole)是一次失败的行动,尽管那次袭击造成17名美国海军官兵丧身。因此,阿尔盖达派了一个小组去向泰米尔猛虎组织学习海上作战的经验。
以上来源于: WordNet
The memorial is for the sailors killed in the attack on the USS Cole in Yemen.
Yemen: a decade after the USS Cole bombing, Yemen is still a hot spot in the middle of a dangerous neighborhood.
He is accused of organising the attack on the USS Cole in Aden in 2000, when 17 American sailors were killed, and another on a French tanker, the Limburg, in 2002.
Abd al - Rashim al - Nashiri被指责于2000年在亚丁组织袭击了美国战舰USS Cole号(致使船上17名海员死亡)和在2002年袭击法国油轮Limburg。