... Usually As A Preservative 通常作为防腐剂 Usually As A Father 通常作为一个父亲 Usually As Aquarium Fish 多为水族观赏鱼 ...
As she worked, something puzzled her. The bookshelves, usually the most orderly part of any place her father lived, were in quite a bit of disarray.
Born in Germany where his father was a cobbler, Theodore (usually known as ted) Levitt (1925-2006) emigrated to the United States with his parents at the age of ten.
西奥多·莱维特(1925 - 2006)出生于德国,老爸是位修鞋匠,10岁的时候跟他父母一起移民到了美国。
Father-of-three Mr England, who works as a RHS horticulturalist and lives in Lockleaze, Bristol, was stunned because wild squirrels are usually highly secretive animals.
史蒂夫·英格兰先生有三个孩子,他是皇家园艺学会的园艺师,目前居住在布里斯托尔的Lockleaze。 当时他被眼前的情景惊呆了,因为通常情况下,野生松鼠的行踪高度诡秘。