Brake Vacuum Booster 刹车真空倍力器 ; 车真空倍力器 ; 倍力器
front case of vacuum booster 助力器前壳体
master cylinder and vacuum booster 制动主缸及真空助力器
vacuum booster and master cylinder 真空助力器和制动主缸
wiper vacuum booster 刮水器真空助力器
english brake vacuum booster 刹车真空倍力器
vacuum booster pump 预抽真空泵 ; 真空助力泵
automobile vacuum booster 汽车真空助力器
vacuum booster hose pipe 真空助力器带制动泵
Double pipe with hydraulic brake system vacuum booster.
In oroler to improve the safety, a dual-line system with a dual-diaphragm vacuum booster was lately adopted.
The shape of the front crust of the car vacuum booster is complex and it needs many working steps to achieve the part.