...er) 序列号(Serial Number) 签名算法标识(Signature algorithm) 颁发者名称(Issuer name) 证书有效期(Validity period) 证书持有者名称(Subject name) 证书持有者公钥(Subject public key) 证书颁发者唯一标识号(Issuer unique identifier) 证...
... comparative validity 相对效度 ; 相对有效性 Validity period 有效期 ; 证书有效期 ; 有效期限 ; 验证周期 sampling validity 抽样效度 ; 取样效度 ...
tender validity period 标书有效期
extension of tender validity period 延长投标书有效期
Validity Period Format 有效期格式 ; 指示VP区是否存在
validity period of bid 投标书有效期
TP-Validity-Period-Format 有效期格式
contract validity period too long 合同有效期过长
contract validity period 合同有效期
Validity period of 3 months 有效期还有3个月
And -validity is the validity period in days; a value greater than 1000 is recommended.
validity 是有效天数;推荐采用大于 1000 的值。
In Figure 9, enter the path and name for the destination file, and verify the validity period.
On top of this, it has an absolute validity period which invalidates its usage after a defined period of time.