valley water divide 河谷分水界
Walnut Valley Water District 胡桃谷水区 ; 核桃谷水区
Yarra Valley Water 拉谷水务公司 ; 水公司
Trans-valley water diversion projects 跨流域调水工程
Happy Valley Water Park 厦门快乐谷水上乐园
valley water resource 流域水资源
valley water resources 流域水资源
valley water pollution 流域水污染
First Polluters of Dragon Well Valley water.
Wear Valley water boat anchor line, singing the crisp sound of soft scull .
水穿峡谷,船靠山行, 歌声清脆橹声柔。
The first season was the flooding, or inundation, when the Nile valley was essentially submerged in water for a few months or so.