酶活性浓度参考物质的特性 鉴定 (characterization)简称赋值(value assignment)。酶活性浓度参考物质的特性就是该物质中酶活性浓度的量值。
Partial Value Assignment 数值指派法
assignment value 转让价值 ; 顶让价值
characteristic value assignment 特征值分配
value assignment of contours 等高线赋值
The last panel before the actual migration begins is the Port Value Assignment dialog (Figure 6).
在开始实际迁移之前的最后一个面板是“Port Value Assignment”对话框(图6)。
The theory of value formation and value assignment is an important part in the economic theories in each historical period.
Results Nowadays TCM reference standards have got great achievement, however still exist some trouble on value assignment and supplement.
- And here as promised is that other operator -- looks a little weird, but because assignment is already using the equal sign to assign one value on the right to a variable on the left.
The first statement right here, that's just an assignment statement, I'm giving some value to x.