posterior mitral valve leaflet 二尖瓣后叶
anterior mitral valve leaflet 二尖瓣前叶
anterior tricuspid valve leaflet 三尖瓣前叶
anterior mitral valve leaflet motion 二尖瓣前叶运动
heart valve leaflet 心脏瓣叶
mitral valve leaflet 二尖瓣叶
Cardiac valve leaflet 释义心瓣膜小叶
spherical valve leaflet 球面型瓣叶
A case of ruptured right aortic valve leaflet proven fay surgical operation was reported.
Concentration stress leads to calcifying the valve leaflet near the point of calcification further seriously.
They are now taking patients with mitral valve prolapse and putting a clip on the leaflet so that you can reduce the mitral regurgitation without having to send the patient to surgery.